Creative Performing Type Available--and an author, too!

Mike is available for booking as an actor and musician! 646-309-1809 or [email protected].
He is also a freelance writer and is happy to listen to any and all reasonable proposals for writing projects.
He published his first novel in June 2022, and the new one dropped on Sept 26, 2023! Drop a line for details, or do a search for The House of Windsor. You'll find it at the mysterious bookshop website.
He played a set of rock and roll on electric guitar in Hoboken in August 2022 and again in May 2023 that went over a storm and is always looking for places to play, now including piano!
If that wasn't enough, he is a licensed NYC tour guide and is available for walking tours of various neighborhoods at a surprisingly reasonable price!
Versatility, that's the ticket.
As a writer, Mike has written plays, newsletters, quizzes, songs, ad copy, articles, essays, and a novel and is working on a new play and a second novel! Happy to discuss any writing idea or project you may have! As a musician, Mike plays solo nowadays (See below) but would be happy to consider a group situation. As an actor, Mike is proficient in a wide range of character roles for stage, film, or television productions and is a member of SAG-AFTRA.
A live set might consist of the best of the sixties and seventies, acoustic or electric, with maybe an original or two thrown in!
And don't be surprised if the set includes an off-the-wall
monologue or sketch, free chocolate, heartwarming stories about the cat, really obscure songs, bizarre characters, long-winded stories about the good old days, and some darn good rock and roll! Acting-wise, Mike has done lots of stage work and produced and directed his own plays. He has also done film and television, and as a strong union supporter, anyone interested in working with him on a project can count on reliable, professional behavior at all times.
Reasonable rates apply for any and all services. Drop a line and let's talk!